Day the Second: Subclassing Badger::Utils

Badger::Utils Recap

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We looked yesterday at Badger::Utils which defines some useful utility functions. It also acts as a delegate to load utility functions from Scalar::Util and friends.

use Badger::Utils 'textlike params blessed 
                   max min any all md5_hex';

Creating Your Own Utility Library

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You can easily create your own libraries of utility functions by subclassing Badger::Utils.

package Your::Utils;
use base 'Badger::Utils';

our $EXPORT_ANY = 'random';

sub random {    # chosen by fair dice roll
    return 4;   # guaranteed to be random
}               # See


The first line defines the module name (Your::Utils) while the second declares it to be a subclass of the Badger::Utils base class. The $EXPORT_ANY package variable is use to specify which functions can be exported from this module. This is used by Badger::Exporter which is a base class of Badger::Utils.

In the utility module defined above we've got just one function, random(). Don't forget that Perl modules must always end with a true statement so we add the 1; line at the end to make it so.

Here's an example showing several functions being declared for export:

our $EXPORT_ANY = 'random more_random wildy_random';

This is syntactic sugar for the more verbose declaration:

our $EXPORT_ANY = [qw( random more_random wildy_random )];

Of course you'll also need to define those more_random() and wildly_random() functions somewhere in the module.

Using Your Library

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Now you can use your new utility library in your Perl programs. Specify the functions you want to import as arguments in the usual way.

use Your::Utils 'random';

Not only can you import the functions that you've defined in your module, but also all of those defined by the Badger::Utils base class and all those other modules that it can delegate to (Scalar::Util and co).

use Your::Utils qw( random textlike blessed any all );

The quote list construct qw( ... ) shown here can be replaced by a single string if you prefer:

use Your::Utils 'random textlike blessed any all';

Inheritance Just Works™ all the way up. If you want to you can subclass your utilities module to create another module. This will inherit everything from both Your::Module and Badger::Utils.

Multiple Inheritance

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You can also use multiple inheritance to construct a library that aggregates two or more other libraries. For example, let's say you've defined two utility modules called Your::Database::Utils and Your::Web::Utils. You might use them like this:

use Your::Web::Utils 'escape_html';
use Your::Database::Utils 'escape_sql';

Say you're writing a database-driven web site and you'll be needing to use both of these modules a lot of the time. You're far too lazy to type both the above lines of code in each of the modules that require them. Instead you can create a new composite library that inherits from both of them.

package Your::DataWeb::Utils;
use base qw( Your::Web::Utils Your::Database::Utils );

That's it, job done. If you want to add any extra utility functions in here then go right ahead. You just need to remember to add in the $EXPORT_ANY declaration. When you use your new composite library you can import anything from either of the base classes (and any of their base classes, and so on).

use Your::DataWeb::Utils 'escape_html escape_sql';
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