Day the Fifth: Export Hooks

Export Hooks

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The Badger::Exporter modules makes it easy to define export hooks for your modules. An export hook is a piece of code which gets run when the module is used with a particular option.

use Your::Module option => 'value';

Hello World

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Consider the following trivial module which defines a hello() exportable subroutine.

package Acme::Hello;
use base 'Badger::Exporter';
our $EXPORT_ANY = 'hello';

sub hello {
    print "Hello World!\n";


The module can be used like this:

use Acme::Hello 'hello';
hello();                                # Hello World!

Salut le Monde!

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Now let's say you want to localise your module so that it can generate a welcome message in different languages. Here's version 2.

package Acme::Hello;
use base 'Badger::Exporter';

our $EXPORT_ANY = 'hello';
our $LANGUAGE   = 'english';
our $MESSAGES   = {
    czech     => 'Ahoj, svet!',
    bengali   => 'Shagatam Prithivi!',
    english   => 'Hello World!',
    french    => 'Salut le Monde!',
    german    => 'Hallo Welt!',
    hindi     => 'Shwagata Prithvi!',
    italian   => 'Ciao Mondo!',
    norwegian => 'Hallo Verden!',
    portugese => 'Ola mundo!',
    spanish   => '!Hola mundo!',
    swedish   => 'Hejsan värld!',
    turkish   => 'Merhaba Dünya!',

sub hello {
    print $MESSAGES->{ $LANGUAGE }, "\n";

sub language {
    my $class = shift;

    if (@_) {
        die "Sorry, I don't speak $_[0]" 
            unless $MESSAGES->{ $_[0] };
        $LANGUAGE = shift;
    return $LANGUAGE;


We now define our greeting messages in the $MESSAGES hash array and use the $LANGUAGE package variable as the index into it. We also define a language() class method which can be used to get or set the value for $LANGUAGE. This adds some error checking to ensure that the $LANGUAGE chosen is one that we have a message defined for.

use Acme::Hello 'hello';

hello();                                # Hello World!

hello();                                # Salut le Monde!

hello();                                # !Hola mundo!

Acme::Hello->language('japanese');      # Sorry I don't speak japanese

Adding an Export Hook

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We can streamline the selection of a language by providing an export hook for the Acme::Hello module. Export hooks are defined using the appropriately named $EXPORT_HOOKS package variable. We add the following to Acme::Hello.

    language  => sub {
        my ($class, $target, $symbol, $symbols) = @_;
        my $language = shift @$symbols || die "No language specified";

This defines a language export hook which we can use like this:

use Acme::Hello 'hello', language => 'french';

hello();                                # Salut le Monde!

The language option now triggers the export hook we defined above. The first argument passed to the handler is the class name of Acme::Class (although bear in mind that you might want to subclass this module at some point in the future, in which case $class will be the subclass name). The second argument is the package that the module is being imported into (main in this example). The third argument, $symbol contains the word language, and the final argument $symbols is a reference to a list of remaining symbols. In this case, the list contains just one item, 'french', which we remove (shift) from the list and store in the $language variable. The final step is to call the language() class method passing $language as an argument.

Of course, we could have just set $LANGUAGE directly at this point, but calling the language() method gives us the extra error checking that will alert the user to an invalid language selection.

Argument Count

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We can streamline our export hook definition a little by having Badger::Exporter provide us with the single argument we need instead of the $symbols list reference. Here the export hook is defined using a list reference. The first item is a subroutine reference as before, the second item is the number of additional arguments it expects. Our language hook requires just one.

    language  => [
        sub {
            my ($class, $target, $symbol, $language) = @_;
        1   # one argument

If you don't mind sacrificing a bit of readability then you can make that more compact:

    language => [ sub { $_[0]->language($_[3]) }, 1 ],

If you've got several class methods like language() that you want to expose using export hooks then you can handle them all using a single handler. The trick here is to use the third argument ($_[2]/$symbol) as the method name. Let's assume that we've added verbose() and polite() class methods that we want to hook up to the corresponding export options.

    language => [ \&_export_hook, 1 ],
    verbose  => [ \&_export_hook, 1 ],
    polite   => [ \&_export_hook, 1 ],

sub _export_hook {
    my ($class, $target, $symbol, $argument) = @_;

# don't forget to define the verbose() and polite() class methods...

Now we can use the module like so:

use Acme::Hello
    language => 'german',   # calls Acme::Hello->language('german')
    verbose  => 1,          # calls Acme::Hello->verbose(1)
    polite   => 1;          # calls Acme::Hello->polite(1)

Catch-All Handler

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You can also define a catch-all handler which is called when the module is used with an unrecognised option. This is known as an export fail handler and is declared using the $EXPORT_FAIL package variable. The arguments are exactly the same as for regular export hooks.

our $EXPORT_FAIL = sub {
    my ($class, $target, $symbol, $symbols) = @_;
    print "$symbol is not a valid option for $class\n";

The handler will be called once for each unrecognised option. The $symbols argument is a reference to a list of remaining symbols and you can remove items from this list to use as arguments.

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